IRONBORNE or "transported by iron". We will arrive where only iron will allow us to arrive; we try to use very little those half measures or those surrogates with which the modern society in which we find ourselves is now surrounded. We don't like them.
Iron: the same with which we built our motorcycles, our workshop and… our life.
We are like this: simple, direct and frank. Loyal and tough. Hard to give up. Maybe honest. Are you serious? we are what we have managed to become in our lifelong journey. What we have done and who has worked with and for us speaks about us.
Our workshop is your home: for a beer or a coffee, to have a chat, to rest in company, to evaluate new modifications. Via Respighi 108. Modena. Exit 2 of the ring road and…we've already arrived: it's impossible not to find us.
In the heart of the Italy of motors, of the Italy that has taught the world. Next to Ferrari, before Maserati, Alfa Romeo…
All rigorously Custom: the same workshop was made "by hand". And you see, you feel. You can feel your "heart" beating and the pride of being true Customizers, Old School…as there are almost none around anymore. With the talent in the hands, the strength in the arms, the courage to always dare by putting oneself on the line and….eyes to see “long”.
Someone said that we have "head and arms". Perhaps.
A workshop with all internal processing phases (from servicing to the construction of parts, from painting to actual customization), to make your bike another dream of ours.
If you find the time to stay with us, it will still be a pleasure to get to know each other. You don't have to be a customer. Just be "travel companions".
A journey of a lifetime.
On our irons.